 Wall heating: The heaters are installed on the wall, where they radiate heat in the air. The heaters consist of several types and shapes.
 Where the loads are calculated inside the place and accordingly the capacities required for each space are determined as each size of the heater covers a specific area
 The heater contains side valves where we can control the temperature inside the place
 The heaters are manufactured from several metals, where there are two main types (the first type is cast iron, in this case the heater is a single piece that cannot be completely divided) As for the second type, which is the best and most used type of aluminum, it has several advantages of light weight 0 higher heat transfer factor 0 Can be disassembled and divided in the event of any defect in one of the blades
 Principle of work All types of heaters operate with hot water, where the water flows inside the heater and the heat is transmitted to the outside atmosphere by radiation as a result of heat exchange between the hot water and the metal

These are examples of our previous work

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